Information about Fort Hood / Killeen Area tax rates, tax assessors and municipalities, and how it affects your home expenses and mortgage.
Explore, Learn, Buy, Sell Fort Hood, TX Real Estate
Updated 3/6/17; Originally published 8/26/15 Takeaways Budget based on your monthly mortgage payment, not your purchase price Plan on that mortgage going up Your lender is your #1 resource for planning your budget Considering buying a home? Don’t know how much home you can afford? Look no further! Starting a Home Budget The very first […]
Takeaways If you would like to sell a property and reinvest your profits into another property, you should be using the 1031 exchange to avoid paying taxes between transactions. Keep doing the 1031 exchange until you die, and you’ll never have to pay taxes on your profits. Safeguarding your capital from Uncle Sam means that you’re […]
Updated 2/22/18; Originally published 10/27/16 Takeaways Budget from monthly payment, not home price. Don’t forget to also budget for utilities, and maintenance costs when buying. A local recommended lender is your best point of contact for current rates, preapproval and more. Not interested in the hit or miss on post housing? Curious about buying instead […]
Note: The Texas Association of Realtors and TREC update promulgated forms regularly. For the most recent updates, check with TAR, TREC, or contact me at brian@starpointerealty.com. Note: I am a real estate professional, not a lawyer. Nothing herein should be construed as legal advice or instructions. BLUF Sellers should keep insurance on their property through […]